As someone who has been playing golf for 20 years, I’ve noticed a major shift in the sport. In my very first game, there were only men on the green. Nowadays, it’s not unusual to see an even distribution of men and women out on the course—and more women than men taking up the game in their thirties, forties, and fifties. Why is this happening? Well, let me tell you a little bit about why more women are choosing golf over other sports as their main hobby or competitive activity:
Women are getting involved in golf at an unprecedented rate
The number of women playing golf has more than tripled in the last 20 years. In 1993, there were 18 million female golfers in the United States, which grew to 46 million in 2018. This increase is almost double that of male players, who saw their numbers grow from 21 million to 45 million over the same timeframe. While this may not seem like much, given how many men have played golf since its inception at St Andrews in Scotland (although some historians argue that even this claim might be an exaggeration), it’s remarkable how quickly women get involved with the sport globally.
What does all this mean? Well, for starters, it shows that women everywhere want something different from life than what our mothers did when they were our age or even when we were born! Women today want more independence and freedom, which is why many pursue careers instead of staying home and raising children, as most women did during World War II and after. Women also want a sense of adventure; hence, there’s such an uptick in travel among millennials these days (they make up 75%.
The LPGA is growing faster than any other professional sports league
The LPGA is growing faster than any other professional sports league, and it’s not even close. According to the National Golf Foundation (NGF), the LPGA has more than 60,000 members and over 2,400 tournaments per year. The organization also generates more than $40 million in prize money annually. Most importantly for aspiring entrepreneurs, these numbers are all on an upward trend: NGF predicts that golf will have a wider base of participants by 2020 and that this growth will continue for at least another decade as millennials enter their prime earning years.
“Derby” events emphasize camaraderie
“Derby” events are another way to get involved in the sport. These events emphasize camaraderie, friendship, and fun. You get to meet new people, see them again at other tournaments or even out on the course, and learn about golf from those who know it best. And if you’re into competition (or want to have some practice before competing), then derby is a great place for you too!
A U.S. Open win will help drive the game even more
And then there’s the U.S. Women’s Open, which will be played at Pebble Beach Golf Links in California on June 27-July 1.
This event has a long history. It began in 1946 and has been held annually since 1951, except for 2018, when it was canceled due to weather issues. During that time, it has hosted some of the best female golfers ever to play the game. This year marks the first time that the USGA has staged two women’s championships in one calendar year; the second is titled “LPGA Championship” and takes place on August 7-10 at Sebonack Golf Club on Long Island Sound near Southampton, New York — right next to where my wife grew up!
To some extent, I understand why more women are playing golf today than ever before: Most importantly, perhaps, there is no need for them to wear skirts anymore (although many do). More importantly, perhaps still, though, more women now have disposable income with which they can afford to play golf regularly.
Golf is definitely not just for the guys anymore.
The LPGA is growing faster than any other professional sports league, and women’s golf is becoming more popular. Women’s golf is a great way to spend time with friends, exercise and enjoy the outdoors.
It’s also a sport that can be played by people of any age or ability level. It’s easy to get started, and you don’t need much equipment, but you should consider a few things before purchasing golf clubs for women.
The game of golf has certainly come a long way. The LPGA is an established tour with various events for women to play in, proliferating the sport. More importantly, there are more opportunities for women to participate in this game we all love. As we see more interest from female players and spectators alike, it’s clear that golf is here to stay!
Author bio
Travis Dillard is a business consultant and an organizational psychologist based in Arlington, Texas. Passionate about marketing, social networks, and business in general. In his spare time, he writes a lot about new business strategies and digital marketing for FindDigitalAgency.