There are a lot of great places to discuss ideas online, but it’s hard to know which ones are the best. For instance, forums can be very engaging and they allow for more than one person to talk at once but many find it difficult to keep up with posts on these sites because there’s just so much going on.
Blogs tend to be easier to read through and comment on as well because each post is usually fairly short and concise, making it easy for readers who don’t have tons of free time available in their day-to-day lives.
Here are 5 favorite sites and tools for discussing ideas with others.:
1. Reddit
Reddit is a great tool for discussing ideas because it combines the best of both worlds. Reddit allows groups or communities to discuss different topics. Users are able to visit the site, find a community they are interested in, and decide if they want to take part in discussions. They can also create their own community that others may join in order to discuss ideas related to that particular subject matter. Moreover, there are reddit upvotes which help the users to take their content to the top of the sites to reach a wider audience.
2. Discourse
Discourse is similar to Reddit because it provides tools for creating online “communities” where people with similar interests can gather and talk about common goals or problems in an effort to reach some sort of resolution or goal. It’s easy to use and perfect for solving problems without having to leave your computer.
3. Quora
Quora is a site that allows its users to ask questions about just about anything. This is great for getting ideas on what people are thinking or how they feel about different topics. You can then respond with your own input and discuss the matter with others who have had similar experiences related to the topic in question.
4. Stack Exchange
Stack Exchange sites are familiar to most web users because they often appear in search engine results when you’re looking for detailed explanations of certain topics like programming languages, economics, etcetera. What’s nice about these forums is they require very specific criteria before allowing someone to join the discussion, which helps ensure that anyone participating has some sort of authority or credibility when it comes to commenting on particular ideas or issues discussed by members within the community.
5. Disqus
This is one of the greatest tools to discuss ideas because it’s so easy to use and even easier to share. The site allows people all over the world to join in on discussions by simply clicking a button and sharing it with friends or followers on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, etcetera. It’s perfect for getting laymen interested in an idea or topic they might not have otherwise thought about before reading another person’s opinion on the subject. Disqus also makes it easy for bloggers and website owners who want their own visitors to be able to talk among themselves while still retaining some control over what gets posted.
One of the best ways to get feedback and collaborate on ideas with others is through online platforms. There are many sites where you can discuss ideas online. Some of them might be better than others depending on what your goals for the discussion group are, and how much time you want to spend moderating it.
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