Banglarbhumi is the online portal of West Bengal for property and land records. This also appears under the specific Land Reforms & Land and Referee relief & the Rehabilitation Department of state government. This website also helps the users with various services, including the requests for the plot mapping for the GRN, the property mutation, etc.
This has a wide web of particular information concerning forty-two thousand one hundred fifty-nine mouzas and near about four Croce khaitans.
Also, your cloud to use the citizen service of this site through the app named Jomir Tothya, which is available on the play store. Utilize this to get access, fee detail, RSLR details, status-check, & officer details etc.
All about the services of this site
Note that this Banglarbhumi website provides the users ac access to every kind of information about the registered properties. You can also lookup the information regarding the specific name of an owner, size/ area of the property, plot number and value of the property etc.
This is very much essential you look up the property which you are searching to purchase from the seller to assure a transparent transaction. The registration of the property ensures that the specific property is also legal as the owner. An agreement between the purchaser and seller is also registered at an authority office & once the method is also complete, this discovers the way into online records.
How to access the information on this specific website
Those who already have utilized this Banglarbhumi website will be logged in, and in this particular city, they are looking for.
For 1st timers, sign-up is very much essential.
Log on to this; the signup button is in the centre of a page, on the actual top. You will require filling in every detail like your own official name, guardian’s address, name, municipality, contact number, email id etc. You will also be asked to verify these specific details. Make your profile and sign in for this citizen services as the citizen. You will also require entering your username, captcha and password to proceed.
Check the details of the property on this site
On a home page, you can find the tab as ‘know your property’ on the actual right-hand side. Click on this and enter the details to identify the specific plot. You will be needed to enter the fields such as block, district and mauza details. You easily could search by the plot or khaitan number. This does not require sign-up.
Apply online for the mutation
Of late, the automatic mutation of the property is also possible. This mutation will also help the legal transfer of the property. If all this property is registered is transferable, its final publication is also finished & the actual transfer of land is not done on the actual basis of holding number, an automatic method will apply. After the mutation, the new owner can pay the specific property tax.
For the automatic property mutation through this site, you will not need to apply.