Keeping up with the trend, luxury fashion boutiques have gone virtual, with luxury online shopping on the rise. From luxury shoes to belts, jackets, jewellery and more, people now get to buy premier brands from the comfort of their homes.
Having invested thousands of dollars, maintenance and care become an essential part of owning designer items, especially shoes. As opposed to designer clothes or bags, luxury shoes tend to get worn out a lot quicker and may not “live” as long. The pair of designer shoes can last much longer than intended if they are taken care of properly. Those who wear shoes often must treat them regularly, once in 2 to 3 months.
Storing Them Safely
Storing designer shoes in a dry and clean place without exposure to moisture or direct sunlight is pertinent to prevent them from soiling, especially if placed on display. Designer shoes come with designated dust bags which can be used to store them neatly and prevent them from experiencing any damage. Shoe trees are a great investment to help store designer footwear without them getting misshapen or crushed for the short term. For long-term storage, wooden shoe horns are a more elegant option. Acid-free tissues and muslin can be stuffed into the shoes as absorbents to prevent moisture from developing inside their soles, causing them to deteriorate.
Prevention Is Better Than Restoration
When it comes to items bought from luxury online shopping, especially shoes, being proactive about its care is crucial. For example, if the shoes are made of leather, then one must look into gentle treatment, stain and rain-proof products to extend their lives. They can also have rubber protectors inserted into the soles to protect them from damage. It is highly recommended to find the best cobbler available in one’s city specialising in luxury goods to take the best preventive measures to protect designer shoes.
Inspect the Shoes from Time-to-time for Cleaning
To fully elongate the lifespan of luxurious designer shoes, one must treat them like they would treat a car. After each use or after each season, it is recommended to inspect them for any need of professional cleaning or repair. They must be dusted frequently to maintain their condition and wiped neatly after use before putting them back in the case or on display. Heels made of suede can be wiped using eraser material, and leather and satin can be cleaned using a microfiber rag. Winter boots usually require a thorough cleaning after use to get them back looking brand new. When it comes to men’s dress shoes, they must be brushed regularly and shined at least once a month to maintain their gloss and finish.
Tackle With Moisture As Soon As Possible
Even after careful use and storage, shoes might eventually get wet at some point due to spilt liquid, rain, or snow. But fear not, because using effective care techniques will prevent any lasting damage from happening to the shoes. Spray protectors help mitigate the damage caused by moisture on leather and suede shoes by creating a barrier around them. When they do get wet, dry them with a soft rag and let them dry. Be sure not to use any heating appliances as they may cause the fabric to warp. Place silica gels in the storage spaces or boxes to ensure that any residual moisture present would be cleared. You can also know about Footlocker discount code.
Luxury online shopping from trusted websites comes with immense resources about styles, selection and maintenance tips which one can follow to stay updated and stay trendy.