January is always a slow month; for most businesses, it is the worst time of the year financially.
A really good way to get your business name out there and build your brand is to hold an event to raise funds and create a welcome environment for new customers.
Why Run An Event?
Events have the ability to turn things around for a business that is flagging; they are a good way of creating interest in what a business has to offer.
For example, if you hold an event to raise money for charity, it is a means by which you can encourage customers and clients to come along and buy items from your business. This will serve as an advertisement for your business and will give you the opportunity of meeting new people who can potentially become your new clients or customers.
Running a successful event also creates opportunities for networking in the future, which is essential when it comes to creating new contacts that may prove useful in the future.
So, here are some tips on how to run an effective event and make the most of your money.
Have a theme
This can make or break your event. If it is too generic, it will be hard to get noticed; if it is too specific, you may not be able to sell as many tickets.
Try and think of something you can create around which will help your event stand out; this may be your business area, a specific type of event you hold, or even your logo.
For example, if you are a local jewelry shop, something like ‘Diamonds and Diamonds’ would work well to promote the products on offer. This can also be fun and will build morale; it may even increase sales as people regularly see this advertised through their social media feeds.
Research other similar events in your industry
Take the time to search online – find events that are similar to yours and see if they have a theme or some sort of hook around which they build their event.
Looking at other events might be the best way to see what an event has to offer, as it will give you a better idea of the type of people that will attend and the types of things they like.
Pick A Good Location
Make sure you choose a good venue for your event; this is going to be one of the most important factors.
Ensure you choose a place that has enough room to house your guests and hold all the equipment that will be needed for your event.
If your chosen venue isn’t exactly what you require, contact a professional company to improve the hall construction to exactly what you need for the event.
Invite Guests and Encourage RSVPs
Make sure you invite as many people from your business contacts as possible and encourage them to bring new people with them if they can. This will help build up interest in your event and gain more support.
It is also important to ask other businesses in the area if they are willing to support you by attending or even donating items that will be sold at your event.