It is difficult to study at school and even more difficult to do it at home. Therefore, you need to stick to some rules in order to deal with all assignments on time.
How it happens in reality
Almost every student and parent asks the question of how to do homework faster because few people fit into the standards.
If you do have enough time to deal with your homework, don’t worry – there is a solution. For example, if math problems take a lot of your time, you can just google “do my math homework” and find suitable services that can help you. An expert who is well versed in mathematics will be able to quickly solve your problem.
How to quickly and easily do homework: basic tips and tricks
The recommendations below are suitable for everyone who wants to do homework effectively:
- Determine the time. Make a schedule using Microsoft To Do. The student should know exactly what time to do homework. For example, you may study from 5 pm to 7 pm with three breaks of 5-10 minutes. When determining the time for doing homework, it must be borne in mind that the maximum performance of a person falls on the period from 8 am to 11 am and from 5 pm to 7 pm. Also, early morning is a very effective time for studying: from 6 am to 8 am.
- Make a clear plan of action. It’s amazing how much making a simple list makes things faster.
- Prepare the workplace. Before doing homework, you need to prepare the table: remove all unnecessary things and wipe the dust. Determine the disciplines for which homework will be prepared, and put the corresponding textbooks, notebooks, and other materials in a pile. When you see the entire volume of work, it is easier to deal with it. When the stack of textbooks decreases, it will make you feel better. Progress and movement will make you rejoice.
- When you are doing your homework, other things should not distract you. Turn your mobile phone off, don’t visit social networks, don’t waste time on chatting in instant messengers. You should concentrate on your homework.
- A rest of at least 2 hours is required between the end of school hours and the start of doing homework. It is better to spend that 2 hours outdoors. I recommend doing homework on the same day it was assigned. First, it will be easier to do it because the teacher explained the given topic. Secondly, the stress level experienced by students doing their homework for tomorrow will be significantly reduced. If homework needs to be turned in tomorrow, and you only start today, then this gives rise to anxiety: “Will I be on time?’ That’s why it is better to allocate enough time for doing homework.
- Try to categorize tasks by the deadlines and begin with the most complicated tasks or those that require more time for implementation.
- In order to complete homework effectively, you should rest from time to time. Take breaks every hour to “reload” your brain. The Pomodoro technique will help you take breaks on the right time in order not get tired before homework is done.
- Come up with a reward. A nice way to motivate yourself is rewarding yourself for doing your work on time. The most important reward, of course, will be homework done properly. After all, you don’t have to worry about getting a low grade. An example of daily planners would be an appointment calendar, which can be accessed on the phone or on the computer. The calendar may also include deadlines, reminders, tasks and goals. Continue reading at this link and you will get more information on this topic.
We hope that our recommendations will help you do your homework on time and effectively.