Endometriosis is a disorder that causes the tissue that forms the uterine lining to grow outside the uterus. It comes about Queen the endometrial tissue grows on your ovaries, boils, and other tissues that lie in your pelvis. While it will rarely go beyond the pelvic region, it does happen in some cases. The tissue growing outside the uterus is referred to as an endometrial implant. The endometrial implant reacts to your menstrual cycle just like normal uterine tissues. It can result in irritation, scar formation, and tissues that bind pelvic organs together, severe pain during periods, and fertility problems that may need you to see a Midtown West infertility specialist. Endometriosis affects millions of women worldwide, so you should know that you are not alone if you have the disorder.
You will shed off your uterine lining during a normal menstrual cycle, causing blood to flow from your uterus through the cervical opening and out through your vagina. Although the specific cause of endometriosis remains unknown, medical professionals have come up with some theories. One theory states that endometriosis comes about due to retrograde menstruation, which causes menstrual blood to flow back through the fallopian tubes into the pelvic cavity instead of exiting your body via the vagina.
Another theory indicates that your hormones transform the cells outside your uterine cavity into cells similar to those in the endometrium. Other theories suggest that you may develop endometriosis due to converting some small bits of your abdominal cavity into endometrial tissue. This may result from cells in your abdomen growing from embryonic cells, which can change shape and mimic endometrial cells.
The displaced endometrial cells may grow around your pelvic walls and pelvic organs. They keep growing thicker and bleeding throughout your menstrual cycle in response to the hormonal changes. The menstrual blood can also look into the pelvic cavity through a surgical scar.
If you have endometriosis, one of the most common complications you can develop is infertility. However, you can conceive and successfully deliver a baby if you have a milder form of endometriosis. Estimates indicate that between 30% and 40% of women suffering from endometriosis experience infertility.
Most medications do not improve fertility. Some women have conceived after successful surgeries to get rid of the endometrial tissue. If this does not help your case, you may want to try fertility treatments to improve your chances of conceiving. If you have recently been diagnosed with endometriosis and want to have children, you may want to consider conceiving sooner. As time passes, your symptoms may get worse, making it harder for you to conceive. After conception, you will need an assessment from your doctor throughout the pregnancy.
In cases where infertility does not present a challenge, managing the chronic pain caused by the condition can present many difficulties. Some women have had to deal with anxiety, depression, and other mental issues due to endometriosis. Your doctor can guide you on how to deal with such side effects.
To summarise, the specific cause of endometriosis remains unknown, although researchers have developed a few theories. Infertility is one of the most common complications associated with developing depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues.