If you’re looking to buy a bag that can last for years, nothing beats luxury handbags. Designer bags may be a bit pricier, but the quality they offer is far higher than that of most cheaper options. And with the booming secondhand market for designer goods, you can enjoy significant savings by opting for pre-owned Chanel bags or Chloe handbags.
Every decision you make when investing in a luxury bag is essential, but none will ever be as remarkable as your first designer handbag. To help ensure that you get the right one, here is a guide to choosing your first luxury bag.
Why opt for luxury bags
There are several reasons for choosing designer bags. You may need to put in more money, but expect that they’ll last long, especially if you take good care of your bag.
They add glamour to your outfit
There is something about having a designer bag on your arm that adds polish and glamour to an outfit. Transform any ensemble to appear expensive by adding a luxury bag to the mix, including skirts, dresses, blouses, and even a casual outfit.
They are versatile
Designer bags can be the foundation of your wardrobe. A neutral color can match any kind of outfit, including colorful ones, making it a versatile option for any occasion.
They hold their value
The best thing about having a designer handbag is that it doesn’t depreciate too much. Pre-loved luxury bags have an excellent resale value, so you can sell them in the future and use the money toward your next designer handbag purchase.
You have plenty of choices
There are plenty of options when it comes to buying luxury bags. You can choose a neutral-colored tote bag, a mini bag, or a fun-colored bag to add personality and life to any ensemble.
You can buy it pre-loved
You can get your first designer bag at a lower price at the secondhand market for luxury bags. You can find great deals that are hard to pass up. However, some rare bags might cost more since they are hard to find.
Besides price reduction, buying pre-owned designer bags from reputable sellers offers other benefits. These include:
- Access to hard-to-find pieces – The secondhand luxury market is home to collector’s pieces and vintage items. So if you want a hard-to-find luxury bag, there is no other way of getting it other than checking out pre-loved luxury stores. You can hit the jackpot and bring home a one-of-a-kind handbag.
- Availability of consignment shops – A consignment shop or website is where people list their unwanted luxury goods so others can buy them. If you are lucky, you might find your first designer bag here at a discounted price.
- Financing – With secondhand shops, you can finance your luxury bag. You can pay for your handbag in up to 12 months of installments without interest.
- Authentication service included – Reputable secondhand luxury stores give their guarantee that all their products are 100% authentic. All purchased items come with authentication documentation.
- Sustainability – Luxury resale is the perfect solution for a responsible and eco-friendly fashionista. Buying pre-loved designer handbags instead of cheaper bags is a sensible investment decision. Giving designer bags a second life recycles the resources used in their production, meaning you acquire a luxury bag without any carbon footprint.
The benefits of buying luxury handbags are numerous and significant, especially when it comes to preserving the environment and investing in high-quality products. But to further ensure a wise investment decision, there are crucial things to consider.
5 Things to Consider
You have to consider several important things to ensure that you are making the best buying decision.
1. Price
Before browsing any luxury shop, you need to set a price point. It is also crucial for you to consider how much you can comfortably spend on a bag.
Avoid spending your money on an impulse. Instead, set a budget and always eepk it in mind when browsing through a collection of designer bags.
2. Longevity
How the designer bag’s style will last is also another important consideration. Take note as well that trends must not dictate your purchase.
For instance, logos go in and out of style. Whether you want people to know instantly that you are carrying a Chanel or Chloe or prefer to be more discreet, make sure to ask yourself if logos are significant to you.
Preferably, consider looking for classic designer bags because they never go out of style. Also, they can complement any outfit, including African tribal clothing.
3. Lifestyle
Your lifestyle is another important consideration when choosing your first luxury bag. Reflect on how you often go about your days and intend to use the designer bag.
Will you use it when going to work or only when traveling? Do you often carry a lot of essentials? Do you prefer a simple bag or one with a pop of color? These questions can help you gain a sense of the size, shape, and color of the luxury bag that best fits your personal style and lifestyle.
4. Cost per wear
It is crucial to consider the estimated cost per wear of the luxury bag. Longevity, price, and frequency of use are interrelated.
Calculating the cost per wear will also guide you in making better investment decisions, given your budget. It might even help you set a proper budget to get your desired handbag.
5. Bag care
How to care for the bag you want to buy is a serious consideration to ensure that it will last long.
Some leathers might wear down worse over time than others. They may entail certain creams, treatments, and repairs after every usage, adding unnecessary stress to your lifestyle. Lighter leathers may also appear dirty easily.
Opt for a luxury bag that you can properly care for, despite having a busy daily schedule. Most importantly, get one that you can frequently use without having to worry about its condition.
A designer bag is a smart investment. But you need to buy wisely instead of going ultra-trendy to ensure that you’ll have a handbag that you can use on any occasion over and over again for a long time.