The Platelet Rich Fibrin (PRF) is often referred to simply as PRP or “autologous conditioned plasma.” This is a concentrated autologous source of platelets that are isolated from the patient’s blood. It contains growth factors and other proteins that help in healing and regeneration. The PRF can be used for different purposes such as treatment of hair loss, wounds, burns, sports medicine, and other aesthetic procedures. Many doctors prefer to use PRF instead of steroid injections because they stimulate collagen production and regrow the skin and soft tissue. This treatment method was initially performed using the patient’s whole blood, then centrifuged to isolate platelets and other cells such as plasma and red blood cells. These components are then reintroduced into the affected area. This method might be problematic because it requires a considerable amount of blood from the patient, who may experience intense pain and bleeding. A Sunnyvale PRF specialist then processes the whole blood in a lab to obtain the PRF prepared for re-injection into the affected area.
Benefits of PRF in Dentistry
Aids in the Restoration of the Peri-Implant Bone
PRF is a safe and effective treatment that uses your blood to stimulate healing and regrowth of the peri-implant bone and soft tissue. This method avoids using synthetic grafts, plates, or screws that the body’s immune system might reject.
The PRF regenerates soft tissues that support bone, including gum tissue, mucosa, and connective tissue. When used for dental implants, it heals peri-implantitis, stimulates bone growth, and forms connective tissue, including collagen, fibroblasts, and blood vessels.
Preserves the Alveolar Ridge
Another everyday use of PRF is in ridge augmentation. This method involves treating the alveolar process with PRF to increase bone density, stimulate the growth of new bone and soft tissue, and prevent further resorption of the existing bone. The treatment takes about 4-6 weeks before results are seen. During this time, the patient must avoid any strenuous activity that might compromise the implant’s stability or disrupt its healing process.
Heals Periodontal Defects
PRF is an excellent way to manage many different kinds of periodontal defects.
It treats gingivitis, gum recession, and other soft tissue or bone loss problems caused by the patient’s disease or damage from dental procedures such as teeth extractions.
PRF stimulates the growth of new collagen for healing and regeneration.
The PRF encourages bone and gum tissue to regenerate, so it speeds up the healing process. It reduces inflammation caused by periodontal disease, which helps control associated pain.
Helps Treat Oral Cancer
PRF can also be used to treat oral cancer. It stimulates the growth of new blood vessels and collagen, which helps heal while maintaining a healthy flow of oxygen and nutrients to keep tumors away.
To summarize, PRF involves using a concentrated autologous source of platelets isolated from the patient’s blood. It stimulates collagen production, something steroid injections cannot. When used in dentistry, it comes with different advantages, such as aiding the restoration of the peri-implant bone and preserving the alveolar ridge. It can also help treat oral cancer and periodontal defects.