We’ve decided to help people improve academic writing. We have collected key tips on how to write well and become a good writer, and we have analyzed five qualities that a writer should have. Well, let’s start.
What are the main problems of a writer?
They write carelessly, misspell words, and make mistakes in syntax. By carelessness, we mean unfortunate strings of words or repetitions of the same word. The unfortunate string of words happens because the writer has not checked the meaning of the words.
The repetition of the same word violates the meaning of the sentences – merges together what is not needed and separates what is close.
Main recommendations on how to write well
1. Avoid officialese
Don’t use it even though it has already entered the language norm. Because of this, no one even remembers how to speak correctly. And some still believe that it is undignified to remove officialese from writing.
If you are not an official, then officialese for you is not recommended. To write clearly and to give more information to the reader, give up officialese. It causes too many empty, meaningless, dead words.
Officialese looks especially inappropriate in academic writing. If you are afraid that you may be using officialese in writing unknowingly, you better turn to services such as EssayShark for help. There they will write you a paper sample on the topic that you need and you will see how best to write yourself. To learn more about the service, read this review.
2. Say “no” to clichés
Clichés are stable expressions that have lost their power and information content due to mass use. It is better not to use them if you want your texts to be interesting.
3. Use idioms carefully
Idioms are stable phrases or expressions with a figurative meaning. In the wrong context, they turn into “false idioms,” and additional, confusing meanings appear in the text.
4. Feel the context and check the meaning of the word when in doubt
To understand the context, you need at least a little bit of knowledge, a common culture, and a culture of work. Therefore, if you are writing a text on the topic of finance, you need to study the theory at least superficially – look at specialized online publications, telegram channels, and familiarize yourself with slang. Alternatively, ask a knowledgeable person to check the text for inaccuracies. If you want to spin unique articles then you can visit this site txt spinner.
5. Work with text according to a plan
We offer you a plan that would make it easier for you to work with the text.
- Before writing an article, immerse yourself in the topic. Explore different views on the problem – on forums, in social networks, and in comments to profile articles in online publications.
- Reread the text. Check if you built it logically.
- Discard the unnecessary: cliches, adverbial and participial expressions, subordinate clauses, verbs in infinitives, verbal nouns, auxiliary verbs, passive voice, and so on.
- Give the text a rest. The approximate terms for how much material should “rest”:
- A small article – half an hour.
- Large article – 3-7 days.
- Large-scale project – 1-2 months.
By following these tips, you can write better. Don’t forget that the most important thing in writing good texts is practice. And even if you can’t write well at first, you will definitely be able to do it better in the future.