I am not saying to go do anything in this post – I am actually quite familiar with a few of them, but still, you need to own your own journey and do your research before committing to something. It’s different for everyone!
Websites and Apps
There are so many apps nowadays that are perfect for health and wellness. You can literally go to your app store and search Health and Wellness and you will be prompted with thousands of different apps ranging from completely free to $100 per month subscriptions. I strongly recommend checking some of the free ones out, they help, trust me!
There are also heaps of websites available to use as resources. You can do a quick Google Search to find health and wellness resources that can help you during your time in need and you’ll be prompted with thousands of websites, resources, learning materials, and even communities ready to serve you.
Healthcare Providers
If you’re not the best at using the internet or your phone, but you’re here reading this article, then I would suggest getting in touch with a local healthcare provider or even a local doctor. Believe me, you’ll be shocked at how many people seek the advice of a doctor or healthcare provider about their health. It’s actually one of the most common things people see doctors for, either when you’re sick, or when you want to discuss your health!
Online Stores
There are so many online stores out there that you can turn to. Health and wellness is everywhere.
As we get older, we become weaker.
That’s why it’s important to get yearly blood tests and to ensure we don’t lack any vitamins or minerals.
There’s a store I personally love called Tea Up Health that has so many reputable products for health and wellness.
For example, they have one that’s called – Instant Iaso Tea – 50 Sachets Weight loss tea.
This is by far my favorite – The Transforming Power of Tea.
It’s great for your gut!
IASO Tea is a digestive tea that helps individuals to carefully and slowly detoxify and promotes natural weight loss. These tea bags are also 100% deprived naturally and organically. Formulated specifically to easily and carefully cleanse your digestive system and begin the detoxification process for your entire body while promoting weight loss simultaneously. It’s primarily designed to help you lose weight through effective methods of appetite reduction so that you can feel fuller for an extended period of time and as a result eat less overall.
My second most favorite is the NutraBurst Plus Healthy balance supplement, daily mineral multivitamin amino acid dose – it tastes awesome! It’s super awesome for your body defenses, gut, energy, and hair all at the same time!
The name certainly fits well as well! NutraBurst®+ is an awesome supplement that has a enormous amount of healthy goodies in a single orange carafe. This citrus-flavored multivitamin drink is enhanced with the antioxidant CoenzymeQ10, as well as 72 minerals, 10 vitamins, 22 Phytonutrients, 19 Amino Acids, 13 Whole Food Greens and 12 Herbs. Yes, you’ve literally read that right and might even read it again – because I did. There’s a good reason why this is my second favorite, because it’s a super power drink!