How often should you get an eye exam? The answer is, it depends. If you have a family history of eye disease or if you are experiencing symptoms that could indicate a problem, then it’s best to go as soon as possible. For others, an annual eye exam is sufficient. Regardless of your situation, there are some things that you should do and other things that you shouldn’t do during the process of getting tested for your vision health.
Bring your glasses and any contacts that are worn. If it’s your first time wearing a contact, bring along eye drops as well. This will help make sure the optometrist or ophthalmologist can see what they need in order to do an accurate eye test for vision health risks.
Do get an eye test in Sydney if you’re over 40 and haven’t had one before, even if you don’t need glasses now. It’s important to know what symptoms of early-stage conditions could indicate something serious like macular degeneration or glaucoma.
Do have an eye test if you had cataracts, diabetes, or high blood pressure in the past year. These conditions can cause eye disease and need to be monitored by a professional optometrist on a regular basis for any changes that could impact your vision health risks.
Do go to an optometrist or ophthalmologist for a full eye test, not just when you need glasses! It’s important that they can assess whether there is any change in the shape of your eyes during the appointment so nothing will be missed that could affect your vision health risks.
Do ask how often you should come in for a follow-up to get an eye test if you still need glasses after getting one done. They’ll be able to tell you!
Do ask for a copy of the eye exam results so you can keep them with you and refer back to them when needed in case there was something important or if they forgot to mention anything during the appointment!
Don’t have a lot of caffeine before getting tested for your eyesight health. It can make it difficult to focus on anything close up and may cause anxiety that adds pressure to the eye exam.
Don’t wear any makeup that could get in the way of testing your eyesight health. If you can, take it off before going to see an optometrist or ophthalmologist.
Don’t be afraid to ask for more breaks during the eye exam when you need them and don’t answer every question that’s asked of you, even if it feels awkward at first! This is your appointment so make sure you’re comfortable with all questions being answered in a way that won’t impact your vision health risks.
Don’t touch your eye during the eye exam! You can contaminate it or poke yourself in a sensitive spot.
Don’t use a general practitioner for an eye test in place of an optometrist or ophthalmologist because your eye health needs are different and those types of medical professionals know more about it.
Don’t use eye drops during the eye exam without first discussing it with your optometrist or ophthalmologist so they can make sure there won’t be any interference!
In conclusion, there are things that you should and shouldn’t do during an eye exam. An eye test is important for assessing your vision health risks, so make sure to ask what’s best for you when it comes time!